The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 6th, 2012)
The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 6th, 2012
The Morning Alms Round to 1,260 Monks in Nong Khai province
The Morning Alms Round to 1,260 Monks on Tuesday October 30th, 2012 at Phayanaga Court in Muang district, Nong Khai province
Schedule of the Earth Day 2014
When the monks go for the offering rounds, can they wear a pair of sandals?
I would like to ask about when the monks go for the offering rounds; can they wear a pair of sandals? For nowadays some areas are not suited to walk bare footed.
Congregations from the North came to welcome the Dhammachai Dhutanga Monks
Congregations from 8 Northern provinces came together to welcome the monks who have been walking in the 3rd Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Way of the Mara Conqueror.
The Photo Collection of the Ceremony of Offering Flowers to 3,000 Monks in Saraburi province on July 21st, 2013
1,130 Pilgrim Monks Embark on the 4th Dhammachai Dhutanga to Revive World Morality
1,130 Pilgrim Monks Embark on the 4th Dhammachai Dhutanga to Revive World Morality, Welcome the New Year, and Accrue Great Merit for the Country
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 12,600 Monks on March 17th, 2012
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 12,600 Monks on Saturday March 17th, 2012.
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms to 1,000,000 Monks
Schedule of Press Conference:- The Morning Ceremony of Offering Alms To 1,000,000 Monks From All Temples Nationwide For Celebrating the Lord Buddha’s 2,600th Enlightenment Day
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Round to 1,000 Monks in Yala province
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Round to 1,000 Monks in Yala province on July 31st, 2013